My Vegan-Feminist Skin Care Routine

After six years of struggling with cystic acne, rosacea, and more - I found the cure.

As a young girl, I had pretty clear skin compared to my friends. I was also a late bloomer, so that definitely had something to do with it. However, that changed right before my 17th birthday.

I started noticing congestion on my nose and forehead. I was not happy. I started using some witch hazel, and it quickly went away, but more problems arose as time went on.

During my senior year, I started smoking cigarettes. Worst decision ever! My lips became so dry, and I began to develop sores and cracks on the sides of my mouth. My cheeks became enraged with inflammation and deep cysts. I began to develop small bumps under my skin and rosacea that flushed my entire face. Up until a few months ago, I still had those same bumps that popped up over half a decade ago.

I began seeing a dermatologist at 18, who prescribed me oral and topical acne medications. These, of course, were not vegan as they were tested on animals, and some even contained lactose and gelatin. I justified taking the medicine because it was, well, medicine. However, I lived to regret that decision. I began having the worst nausea I’ve ever had in my life; I even vomited three times (and I’m not a puker!). I quickly stopped taking the medicine and decided it was best to follow my morals.

Now, as of Summer 2024, I am happy to report that my acne has finally gone away. I didn’t change my diet, drink more water, or use any medication. I simply discovered a routine that worked for me, and I’d love to share that with you.

Here is the Vegan-Feminist skincare routine that cured my 6-year-long acne.

Face Wash: Aquarius Face Wash with BHA - Herbivore Botanicals

Face Mask: Blue Tansy Resurfacing Face Mask - Herbivore Botanicals

Moisturizer: Ultra Moisturizing Cream with Ceramides - Ceramedx

Serum: Glow Baby Booster Serum with Vitamin C - Pacifica

What makes this routine Vegan-Feminist? I'm glad you asked! Not only are all of the products listed vegan and cruelty-free certified, but two-thirds of these companies are woman-owned, and those same products are low-waste! With minimal ingredients, minimal packaging, and a minimal environmental impact, my skincare routine benefits not only women and animals but also the planet! I’m currently on the hunt for a low-waste moisturizer and sunscreen that doesn’t irritate my sensitive skin. Once I find it, you’ll be the first to know!

*None of these products/companies are affiliated with XOXO Vegan Girl. I genuinely love these products and have been buying from these companies for years!


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