meet vegan girl

“I would rather be seen as a ‘crazy vegan’ to selfish and sadistic people than be seen as a selfish and sadistic person to nonhuman animals.” - xoxo vegan girl

With a wealth of knowledge in anthropology, humanities, sociology, philosophy, animal rights, and women’s rights history, Vegan Girl is an unstoppable force for diversity, inclusivity, equality, and the truth. Since childhood, she has stood for the rights of women and animals, performing regular hunger strikes and boycotts since the age of 12. Her efforts have not gone unnoticed. In the past decade, she has collaborated with over a dozen of the world’s leading animal rights organizations, including Anonymous for the Voiceless, The Humane League, PETA, Vegan Outreach, and more. Now, it’s time to hear from her directly as she finishes her degree in journalism and continues to advocate for the rights of women and animals across the globe.

This is xoxo vegan girl.