What is Feminism?

Answering one of the most important questions of the human rights conversation.

Even in the modern era, there is still a lot of confusion when it comes to feminism and women’s rights. With the uptick in male misogynistic social media influencers, younger generations are adopting outdated views that are harming womankind.

There are many definitions of feminism, but before we discuss what feminism is, let's discuss what it is not.

Feminism is not...

  • Anti-men. Feminism does not aim to hold women to a higher status than any other gender, including men. Feminism is about all genders having equal care, respect, rights, and opportunities.

  • A white woman’s issue. Feminism encompasses people of all cultural backgrounds, religions, races, sexualities, ethnicities, and abilities. True feminism includes everyone in the conversation.

  • Only for women. Feminism benefits men just as much as it benefits women. The patriarchy has harmed men since its inception, resulting in violent and stressed men who are out of touch with their emotions and feminine side.

  • A Western Concept. Feminism does and should exist in all aspects of culture and society. Feminism is desperately needed in areas of the world like Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iran, Somalia, Yemen, and some predominantly Muslim states in northern Nigeria where stoning women to death is a legal punishment for adultery.

  • No longer needed. With the uptick in right-wing rhetoric that spreads misogynistic ideology, feminism is needed just as much now as it ever has been.

  • All the same. The feminism regarded in this blog coincides with radical feminism, eco-feminism, and parts of liberal feminism. There are over six different types of feminism.

Feminism is...

  • Intersectional. The only way for women to receive equal treatment as men is for all women to be included in the discussion. Women of color have been left out of the conversation of women's rights since the concept’s inception. Women of all races, genders, abilities, and species should be given equal treatment.

  • A moral philosophy. Feminist ethics is about the equality of women. It encompasses the ability to resolve conflicts or moral dilemmas that arise with a focus on the ethics of care.

  • A female liberation movement. Females of all shapes, sizes, species, religions, races, ages, and abilities have been mistreated by the patriarchy and male-dominated systems since their inception. Feminism is a demand for equal treatment for everyone in all environments.

  • Feminism is not just about improving women's lives. It benefits all marginalized communities, the economy, society, and even men. To learn more about the benefits of feminism, see the Feminism 101 page.

XOXO Vegan Girl’s definition of feminism:

"Feminism is a moral philosophy and social movement that seeks to eliminate all forms of discrimination and inequality for women and females across the globe. Believers and followers of this philosophy and movement make it their mission to reverse the adverse effects of the patriarchy and bring peace, love, and equality to all genders.


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